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Financial Support

Thinking about applying to King's Maths School?

Our mission is to provide outstanding education to bright students from across London regardless of their background. 

For some students, the cost of commuting across London every day can be significant. We are determined that this cost does not present a barrier.

We currently offer the following financial support for students who enrol at King's Maths School:

  • Students who receive Free School Meals are eligible for a 100% travel bursary (capped at £1,200) and are provided with a Windows laptop for the duration of their study free of charge.
  • Students whose families are in receipt of Working Tax Credits, Child Tax Credits or Universal Credit are eligible for a 50% travel bursary (capped at £600) and are provided with a Windows laptop for the duration of their study for 50% of the standard rate. 

From September 2024, we will provide similar support but will base our assessment of need on annual household income.

Applications for the bursaries can be made as part of the enrolment process to King's Maths School. Fuller information is available here:

Already a student at King's Maths School?

You should talk to your tutor, or alternatively the Lead Teacher for your year group, if you want to find out more about the financial support that the school offers.

The key documents you might need to access are:

  • The Bursary Fund Policy, which explains what financial support you may be eligible for.
  • The Bursary Fund - Travel Application Form which is the form you need to fill out to apply for a travel bursary.
  • The Bursary Fund - Progression Fund Application Form, which is the form you need to fill out to apply for other financial support.

Key documents: