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A-level results 2018

The class of 2018 attained exceptional results that confirm King's Maths School as one of the highest performing schools in the country. The results are extremely similar to those attained by the class of 2017 - and these were ratified by the Department for Education performance tables as the best around.

Even more powerfully, the 2018 results demonstrate clearly that the school is serving its mission to widen participation in the mathematical sciences.

59% of all entries are A* grades, 89% are A*/A, and 97% are A*/A/B. In terms of value added, our students have attained more than a grade better on average, per entry, than was predicted by their GCSE results. This would place us in the top 0.5% of all schools in terms of value added, with no other selective school (except perhaps the Exeter Mathematics School!) coming close to that level.

A notable feature of this year's results is that female students outperformed their male peers, with 92% (compared to 85%) A* and A grades. They did this in every subject, including in Physics.

There are many inspiring individual stories that demonstrate King's Maths School's impact.

  • Amongst the 37% of students who have no parental history of higher education is Serkan, who achieved A*A*A* and will go to Bristol to read Engineering Mathematics, and Levi, a young carer who is off to Newcastle to read Theoretical Physics.
  • A third of the cohort is female, including Taiwo, who takes three A*s to Oxford for Engineering; Ife, with A*A*A and a place at MIT where she will study Mathematics and Computer Science; and Katherine and Siana, who achieved straight A*s as well as top grades in STEP to secure places at Cambridge for Mathematics and Computer Science respectively.
  • 35% of graduating students are from challenging backgrounds, including a student who was a refugee to the UK, arriving in 2013 to escape persecution in his home country, who has gone on to achieve A*AA and will now read Aeronautical Engineering at a top university.

Here are the results in each subject:

  A* A*/A A*/A/B
Mathematics 93% 100% 100%
Further Mathematics 49% 92% 96%
Physics 35% 73% 95%
All subjects 59% 88% 97%

66 students in year 12 sat either an AS in Computer Science or Economics, with 88% of these students attaining the top grade. 

Progression to university is exceptional, with 20% of applicants progressing to Oxbridge and nearly every single student having confirmed a place at a Russell Group or Sutton Trust 30 university. 

Class of 2018: well done!