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An amazing school with incredible teachers who really help students develop their love for the subjects. The sense of community is phenomenal too.
King's Maths School parent

Getting involved

At KCLMS we are very grateful to the parents and carers for the role they play in the support of the school and the students. 

There are opportunities to get involved with KCLMS, outlined below. We are fortunate to have an active and friendly group of parents, carers, governors and teachers called Friends of KCLMS, a charity which supports us in a number of ways. You can find out more about Friends further down below. 

Over the years the Friends of KCLMS has contributed to many projects to help improve school life. It's a wonderful charity which has successfully raised thousands of pounds. This money has been invaluable in funding various initiatives that enhance our children’s education. Please do support Friends in whatever way you can.
King's Maths School parent

Friends of KCLMS

The Friends of KCLMS funds pastoral and learning mentor support for students. It also sponsors school activities and helps connect parents and carers with the school. 

Since the start of the academic year the Friends have funded the following:

  • The King’s Kulture programme for all students
  • Additional Bushcraft funding
  • Extra 1:1 support for some students
  • The Curry Evening for parents and carers

With the financial assistance of Friends, the school ensures that every student has the opportunity to attend at least two cultural experiences in the calendar year. This includes theatre, music, art, dance and sport events. 

If you have an initiative/idea that you would like the charity to sponsor or would like to get involved, please get in touch with Chair - alumni-parent Page Starr:

The work that the Friends of KCLMS does is funded solely by charitable donations. Therefore, we very much appreciate any donations from the parent and carer community. Friends recently launched the ‘Friends' Fund for the Future’ with this in mind. 

Regular funding, large or small, plays an important role in providing this fantastic support for the enrichment of the students at KCLMS. Giving is easy, just click on this link and you can make a one-off or monthly donation.

We hope you join us on our journey!

The Bushcraft trip was awesome. As a Year 12 starting out at KCLMS, it was a good way to get to know my classmates better. Being in nature and doing team building activities was fun.
A Year 12 student
I enjoyed everything about the theatre performance. Having the opportunity to go out to the centre of London and experience its culture was incredible. It was magical and I loved my first play.
A Year 13 student

Governors of the Academy Trust

The Board of Governors has a position for a parent or carer to be elected from each cohort to represent the voice of the parents for that year group. The current Parent Governors are Rachel O'Riordan and Anthea Ameer.   

I have never seen my child eager to get going to school and return smiling stating how enjoyable their day has been. Keep it up, it’s great.
King's Maths School parent

In our 2021 parent/carer survey:

  • 97% of our parents/carers agree that their child receives outstanding teaching
  • 97% of our parents/carers agree that their child enjoys attending King's Maths School
  • 100% of our parents/carers agree that they feel happy with the decision to support their child to attend King's Maths School
  • 98% of our parents/carers agree that they feel confident that their child is safe at school
I have been delighted with my child's experience especially in light of the pandemic. She has made some fabulous friends. She has loved the learning. Thank you for inspiring her.
King's Maths School parent
We are very proud to have our daughter studying at KCLMS. The school maintains high standards and produces bright students.
King's Maths School parent