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A-level results 2022

King's College London Mathematics School (KCLMS) students have reached astonishing levels of attainment in their results published in August 2022.

86.5% of grades were A*s, and 99.6% were A or better. 75% of students attained straight A*s. Students attained on average over three-quarters of a grade per entry better than was predicted by their GCSE results.

These incredible grades enabled an unprecedented 34% of students to secure places at Oxford and Cambridge universities, with Warwick being the third most popular destination.

Head Teacher Dan Abramson said: “I'm ecstatic to see how well our students have done. This is a cohort who have never before sat public examinations and whose learning was hampered by the pandemic. To see our students achieve these phenomenal outcomes is truly heart-warming.”

Subject by subject outcomes can be seen below:

  A* A*-A A*-B
Mathematics 96% 100% 100%
Further Mathematics 75% 99% 100%
Physics 89% 100% 100%
All subjects 87% 100% 100%

In their second year, some KCLMS students opt to take their research further and complete an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), which is equivalent to half an A-level in scope and in UCAS weighting. 19 students completed an EPQ, with 12 A*s and 7 As awarded.

A number of students also sat the Cambridge STEP examinations, including nine (Emils, Ethan, Sarp, Rebecca, Carys, Owen, Irad, Saanya and Beni) who have secured places on Cambridge's Mathematics course on the basis of their STEP performance.

AS results from year 12 were also very strong, with 96% at grade A overall, including an incredible 100% at grade A in Computer Science.

Class of 2022 - well done!