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A-level results 2019

The class of 2019 have attained astonishing results that place King's Maths School as the top performing school in the country (DfE KS5 performance tables, published January 2020).

  • 100% of grades in A Level Mathematics were A or A* grades.
  • Over 90% of entries across all subjects were graded A or A*.
  • Over 25% of students in this cohort have secured places at Oxford or Cambridge Universities.

We are proud to see students from backgrounds currently under-represented in the mathematical sciences excel in their studies and progress to outstanding institutions. As shown on results day on BBC Breakfast, we have many inspiring female students who are passionate about the mathematical sciences. To highlight just a few:

  • Sae, an incredibly deep and talented mathematician, attained A*A*A* alongside two distinctions in her STEP papers, guaranteeing her place to read Mathematics at St John’s College, Cambridge.
  • Maggie took A*A*A to secure a place on St Andrew’s Mathematics and Physics course, whose competitiveness is evidenced by the fact that this is a King’s Maths School first.
  • Tabs, who aspires to be a mathematics teacher (at King's Maths School, of course) secured A*A*A, and is excited to go to Imperial to study Mathematics and Computer Science.

There are others, with different stories. Nahome and Abu are both black students who are going to Oxford, to read Physics and Mathematics & Computer Science respectively. Abu’s parents are Somali refugees who did not have the privilege of tertiary education; Nahome will also be the first in his family to attend university.

King's Maths School has a phenomenal record of adding value to students through its inspiring learning culture. This year students have on average attained +0.85 grades higher in each subject than predicted by their GCSE performance.

Here are the results in each A Level subject:

  A* A*/A A*/A/B
Mathematics 90% 100% 100%
Further Mathematics 63% 89% 99%
Physics 27% 83% 91%
All subjects 60% 91% 97%

Congratulations also to the 68 students in year 12 who sat either an AS in Computer Science or Economics. 91% of these students attained the top grade.

Class of 2019: well done!