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January 2022

Omicron: a more transmissible strain of the virus, with reduced likelihood of significant health impacts. KCLMS internal Covid-19 levels have been edited in light of this information. The latest risk assessment is:

October 2021 update

The school is fully open in line with national guidelines. With those more at risk now protected by the national vaccination programme, the main risk protocols now revolve around hand hygiene and ventilation. The risk assessment and school action plan were updated to reflect the new situation.

May 2021 update

The school has set out its Centre Policy for the awarding of teacher assessed grades for Summer 2021 qualifications.

March 2021 update

The school has reopened in line with national guidelines for schools to open from 8 March 2021. We have returned to those safety features detailed in the September 2020 update below.

January 2021 update

In line with new national guidelines, King's College London Mathematics School will operate remotely until further notice. Key features of our remote provision are as follows:

  • We are operating our full curriculum and timetable.
  • All lessons take place online using a combination of online learning tools, principally MS Teams and OneNote.
  • We have supported and continue to support all students to ensure they have the necessary technological tools to access our lessons online, including:
    • A reliable internet connection
    • A sufficiently powerful computer
    • A writing tablet
  • One-to-one academic mentoring continues using MS Teams during this period.
  • Speakers, clubs and societies are continuing online.
  • Wellbeing and sport sessions open to all students and staff on Friday afternoons are coming soon!

A big thank you to all students and staff for embracing our remote version of KCLMS so fully.

September 2020 update

King's College London Mathematics School is operating on-site for all students from Thursday 3 September, 2020.

The school has adjusted its operation to ensure risks pertaining to COVID-19 are controlled.

The key features of our adjusted provision are:

  • Year 12 and Year 13 will operate as distinct "bubbles", with physical interactions between the bubbles minimised.
  • Within each year group, the core curriculum (maths, physics, computer science and economics) will be delivered in consistent classes, which will effectively operate as sub-bubbles.
  • Students will stay in a consistent classroom wherever possible, moving e.g. when they need to be taught in a specific location (in particular, a physics laboratory); teachers will move between different learning groups.
  • Lessons will begin each day at 09:30 and be finished by 16:10. 
  • A staggered start and end to the day has been introduced wherever the timetable permits this.
  • Additional cleaning has been arranged for the middle of the school day, focusing on areas used by more than one learning group, toilets, door handles and communal areas.
  • New classroom protocols to ensure effective teaching can take place with teachers maintaining 2m social distance from students are being developed.
  • New protocols are in place to manage students who need to self-isolate.
  • New systems are in place to enable safe movement around the school, including staggered lunches, one-way systems and increased staff duties.
  • The curriculum has been adjusted where appropriate, for example visiting speakers will for now give talks remotely and no central sport/exercise provision will be organised by the school.

The COVID19 Full Opening Risk Assessment can be viewed below:

We are still able to offer a full, broad and balanced curriculum to all of our students. The curriculum offering can be viewed below: